The Horizon Simulation Lightcone

The horizon simulation lightcone is an interactive web interface designed to show different fields of our universe. It can show up to 4 layers of information, plus a layer circling the largest galaxies visible in the window frame. The different fields are :

  • density of the gas
  • metallicity of the gas
  • temperature of the gas
  • black holes

The data was produced with the Horizon-AGN simulation by Yohan Dubois, Christophe Pichon and Julien Devriendt launched on the jade supercomputer in Montpellier. It has generated a cube with a sidelength of 100 Mpc/h.

This page shows the light cone of the Horizon simulation.

How to use Skymap

Moving around can be done by clicking and dragging.

Zoom buttons

Zooming in and out can be done by clicking on the zoom buttons (image) or by scrolling on the skymap.

Fullscreen button

Fullscreen mode can be activated via this button.

Layers menu button

A menu to chose which layer to show is visible when the mouse goes on this button (top right). You then have the choice to overlay 6 different fields to the "Visible light" one : Skeleton, Density, Dark Matter, Metallicity, Temperature and Velocity on the z axis. It is also possible to add/remove the "Galaxies" layer.

Zoom buttons

This rectangle (bottom left) is a scale : the width of the rectangle represents the length written on it.


Skymap was designed by Stéphane Rouberol and Eric Pharabod, the pictures were generated by Yohan Dubois and Christophe Pichon, the galaxy catalog was genrated by Clothilde Laigle. The development of skymap was funded by the Institut Lagrange de Paris. This interface uses softwares such as : Leaflet, jQuery, Visiomatic, Leaflet-easyButton.